Saturday, May 30, 2015

Making Lace with Stamps


At Artful Crafting, our second challenge (which closes in a week) is focused on "Unusual Stamping"; basically using your stamps in an unusual way, not just for sentiments, or a center focus. As part of the design team, it is my turn to share one technique, which is in synch with the theme.

For my projects, I seek inspiration from any and everything -- thats how creative people function.. me thinks. Well, these days, I am in complete awe of the gorgeous cookies made by SweetAmbs, and it was while watching her video on lace cookies that I had my "Aha" moment, and decided to make Lace by combining two stamps! (not all of us can bake, you know :-P ). 

The awesome cookie from which I took inspiration
My Lace Card inspired by the cookie

I have captured the process of "making lace" on video, which I'm posting below. The audio is in Urdu, with captions in English. (I chose to do a video, with voice over instructions, especially for our Pakistan based, aspiring crafters!) This is my first technique video with voice over, so please excuse blunders. If you have any questions please feel free to ask:

Dailymotion: 380px

Youtube: HD version
The second part of the video, which focuses on the making of the flowers, will be posted sometime next week inshallah.

If you are unable to view the video, the five easy steps are posted below:

Click on the image to enlarge

Happy Crafting!


  1. love the lace background and the finished card! so pretty! :)

  2. I loved your project Saba and how you have used stamps to create lace... BTW your video tutorials are super awesome :)
