Saturday, May 30, 2015

Making Lace with Stamps


At Artful Crafting, our second challenge (which closes in a week) is focused on "Unusual Stamping"; basically using your stamps in an unusual way, not just for sentiments, or a center focus. As part of the design team, it is my turn to share one technique, which is in synch with the theme.

For my projects, I seek inspiration from any and everything -- thats how creative people function.. me thinks. Well, these days, I am in complete awe of the gorgeous cookies made by SweetAmbs, and it was while watching her video on lace cookies that I had my "Aha" moment, and decided to make Lace by combining two stamps! (not all of us can bake, you know :-P ). 

The awesome cookie from which I took inspiration
My Lace Card inspired by the cookie

Saturday, May 9, 2015

ACDT Post: Creative Stamping

Here is my inspirational project for Artful Crafting Challenge # 2: “Its all about UNUSUAL stamping”
Stamp, we all -- but in a different way; that,was the real challenge.

I combined few of the supplies from the kit, with some from my stash, and came up with this: