Saturday, September 16, 2017

15 Days into The Daily Marker 30 Day Coloring Challenge

The Daily Marker 30 Day coloring challenge, hosted by Kathy, is all about taking your coloring skills one step further. It is open to all those who enjoy coloring, and sharing, their passion with others. You can read all about the challenge on The Daily Marker site. I too am participating in it this year, and that is why I have been posting coloring projects on my instagram account daily.   

Why am I taking part? It was during the 2015 challenge that Erum Tasneem's beautiful coloring posts inspired me to start coloring once again. I started coloring random images, and then as I got busy with other projects, coloring got sidelined. So, this year I decided that I would take this on seriously and stick through it, making sure that I color every single day of the month. I love to color, and I saw this as a great opportunity to polish my coloring skills.  There are thousands of people, across the globe participating, tons of inspiration and lots to learn; I couldn't just let this go this time.

The past 15 days have been extremely rewarding and I can actually see a massive improvement in my work (even if I say so myself :P ).  Sharing a slideshow of the 15 images that I colored, using water color pencils. These are shared on my instagram account too.

You can join in too, if you like; just color, capture and share on facebook or instagram using #thedailymarker30day hashtag. Visit The Daily Marker for more details.
To stay posted on what I am working on, join me on Instagram. 

Have a great day!